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 Level 1 - Course 2: Han-En 
(半円 | half circle)
Level 1 - Course 3: Deep Kaminari 
במחזור מרץ 2024 לא יתקיים קורס קאמינרי רגיל
 Level 2 - Course 1: Hoshi DEEP
( | star)
 Level 2 - Course 2: Naruto DEEP
| spiral)
 Level 2 - Course 3: Nana Hachi DEEP
七 / 八 | 7/8)
   Level 3 - Course 1: Buzoku DEEP
 Special course:​ Miyake (三宅) 
Special Japanese Traditional Rhythms

For students who have completed Shokyu course and beyond
* Discount for those who participate in level 1 or 2 courses

 Special course:​ Miyake (三宅) 
Special Japanese Traditional Rhythms

For students who have completed Shokyu course and beyond
* Discount for those who participate in level 1 or 2 courses

  • Discounts on repeated courses:

    • A student who wishes to repeat a course a second time is entitled to a 50% discount on the course, except for the following cases:

    • Miyake Course - full price, no matter how many times you repeat it.  A student is entitled to a 40% discount for the Miyake course if he takes it as a second course.

    • Hoshi course -  if a student takes the course a second time - full price,  if he takes it a third time he is entitled to  40% if he takes it more than 3 times - he is entitled to a 50% discount.

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